Suphia Sidiqi helped FC clinch the match.
Suphia Sidiqi helped FC clinch the match.


In an Orange Empire Conference match, the Hornets took care of Saddleback College 7-2 on the road Thursday.

The FC doubles teams of Alexus Lombera / Ashley Castro (8-0) and Savanna Schreiner-Vanhoutte / Janet Shiau (8-0) got the team off to a great start.

Hornet winners in singles were Alexus Lombera (6-3, 6-1), Jeanelle Canal (6-0, 6-0), and Savanna Schreiner-Vanhoutte. Clinching for Fullerton for the first time was Suphia Sidiqi.

Up Next: The Hornets (6-6 overall, 2-1 conference) will hit the courts again on Tuesday, March 3rd when they host Irvine Valley College. Matches begin at 2:00 pm.

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