The Hornets ended their season in spectacular fashion with a 4th place state finish last Friday in Fresno.  The gap between the 1st and 5th place runner was 27 seconds!

When asked about the 2013 cross country season Hornet runner Daisy Esparza said "We all worked so hard to get here and becoming the 4th best team in the state has really showed how hard we worked every morning at 6:30 a.m. I love this team they are my family".

The FC team may have had a few bumps in the road this season with injuries and doubts, but at the end of the day the dedication and motivation on the Hornets proved they can overcome obstacles together.

"It's not hard to miss the tight bond the team has and in each race it showed, the packing this year was great and it even went as far as calling each other's name out during one race just to know that our teammate was near. The improvements in each race came from the hard work being put in at practice, although waking up at 5:30 am everyday was not easy the girls managed to make it and do the best they could in each workout.

Hornet runner Krystal Martinez when asked about making it to state, "Standing on the line at state I knew we were ready as a team because all of the hard work we put in at practice", FC runner Elena Estrada.

"From the first race of the season to the last the coaches always believed in us as we believed in them and their workouts they gave. It may have been tough doing the speed workouts dreaded by almost every distance runner but being surrounded by positive attitudes and extremely motivated runners the hardest workout could be almost effortless. The team left everything they had on the course in Fresno with four girls gaining a personal record, and with the intent to sting like hornets. Now that we are at the finish line of the season we can cross it with smiles, laughs, wonderful memories, and above all we will always remember Once a hornet, Always a Hornet", claimed Estrada.

Daisy Esparza (30) 19:21
Megan Garritson (34) 19:23
Elena Estrada (37) 19:24
Taylor Morico (54) 19:41
Krystal Martinez (64) 19:48
Daniela Rubio (111) 20:26
Diana Ortega (117) 20:30

Team Time of 97:37
4th out of 27 teams with 207 runners