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COACHES & COVID is a series of questions answered by the Fullerton College coaching staff addressing the Hornet sports programs, and how they are coping during this pandemic. FC Head Coach Marcia Foster took some time out of her busy schedule of teaching and coaching to answer a few questions about the upcoming season.

What methods are you using to stay in touch with your student-athletes?

It is important that we work to develop a relationship with our new players and continue to empower our returnees. That being said, we have communication throughout the week where we work to address the varied aspects of life as we know it today.

Not being able to meet in person with your players because of COVID can't be an easy task. What are some of the training methods that you're using to keep them in shape while inserting your game plan?

We are utilizing ConferZoom, basically Zoom embedded into our online Canvas course, to do skill work, fitness workouts and mental skills training. We are also utilizing Canvas Studio; an awesome tool that allows our players to video themselves doing, let's say, footwork, and the coaches can analyze and give feedback precisely where the adjustment needs to be made, or an affirmation the skill is being done correctly. One of the best things we do is a weekly challenge implemented by our assistant coaches, that consists of fitness and basketball goals that the team must meet each week. We choose a "challenge captain", and the players post their progress and communicate with each other through an app. All of the coaches have access to the app, and comment now and then. We also…or maybe it is just me; we post our workouts from time to time. I think it is a good thing for them to see that the coaches still have exercise as a central part of their lives.

Are there specific actions or protocol that you go through to keep everyone safe?

Well, since we only meet remotely, our focus has been to remind our players about social distancing and making smart and safe decisions.

You are always fantastic every year when it comes to community outreach. Whether it's feeding the homeless or clothing the needy during the winter months, your program has been one of the best when it comes to helping the community. Do you have any plans this season while practicing social distancing procedures?

Things are a little challenging right now, but both the women's and men's basketball teams anticipate continuing with "ALL IN!"; our community driven clothing drive.

Do you have many players returning this season or are you reloading with some new talent? Any specific players that will positively impact the season?

From our Zoom workouts, I really like the energy, effort, and talent that I have seen from both our returnees and our new members.

I am especially proud of the leadership displayed by my returnees.

What are a few of your team goals coming into the season?

Well, first, that we have a season, and second, that we can complete the season. We are always going to compete Phil, and the players, they are doing their best to forge through all of the uncertainty and be prepared to play.

If you could have a weekend pass from COVID what would you do? What do you miss the most from this isolation?

I hope it is long weekend because I am going to Maui. And I miss the interaction with everyone… office staff, fellow coaches, student-athletes, students… everyone.

Any hobbies?

Yes! Road cycling and swimming, and I recently took up mountain biking (no crazy downhills), and pickleball. And of course, I love watching sports!

What inspires you in life? What motivates you to motivate others?

People inspire me. The amazing capabilities that people possess. Take community college athletes for example; many juggle school, working, and family responsibilities all while chasing the dreams and goals of the sport that they love. That is amazing. So, what inspires me is seeing a young person work and sacrifice to become the best version of themselves in every area of their life. To see an older person, take up a new activity. For someone to transcend the limitations that society has placed upon them, whether that is about gender, race, social class or sexuality. And to witness our strength as a human race. As far as motivation… I know that sometimes, all someone needs is to be told that they can. That is what motivates me… because that someone can be me.

We have a saying "Once a Hornet, Always a Hornet", what is it you love about Fullerton College?

It is one of the most beautiful and welcoming campuses. I love the people, especially the coaches and student athletes, the leadership on campus, and the environment that has been created because of that leadership. It is a great place to come back to.