The Fullerton College Physical Education and Athletic Department would like to honor all of our Hornet student athletes who graduated this year despite facing the overwhelming challenges of COVID-19 shutdown.
"We are very proud of our student-athletes who persevered through this challenging time, while striving to be their best academically. I personally want to congratulate each and every one of you for your hard work, on and off the playing field, during your time here at Fullerton College. Once a Hornet, Always a Hornet", FC Dean of Physical Education Dr. David Grossman.
Below is a list of Fullerton College student-athletes who persevered through the pandemic to complete their academic and athletic journey. A special thanks goes out to Leslie Livelo for all of her help in putting the list together.
*Earned Multiple Degrees
$Student of Distinction
*Accordino, Anthony - Baseball
*Adler, Michael - Football
*Alkoraishi, Alexander - M. Water Polo
*Anaya Flores, Juan - M. Cross Country, M. Track and Field
Argott, William - M. Water Polo
Ariunbold, Amarbat - M. Soccer
Atkinson, James - M. Water Polo
Avinger, Winthrop - Football
Baer, David - Baseball
*Barnes, Amanda - W. Water Polo-W, W. Swim
$Basurto, Kaelah - W. Soccer
*Belfort Manzano, Thiago - M. Tennis
Bonner , Harrison - M. Basketball
Borza, Celeste - Softball
Calderon, Michael - M. Soccer
*Cardenas, Natalie - W. Basketball
Cardoso, Ricardo - M. Cross Country, M. Track and Field
Castillo , Alejandro - M. Soccer
*Chamberlin, Evan - Baseball
Chi, Hannah - W. Golf
Commerford, Trevor - Baseball
Duran, Samantha - W. Soccer
Elston Tawon - M. Basketball
*Escolano, Luis - Baseball
Esparza, Carlos - M. Soccer
*Espinoza, Erika - Softball
*Esquivel Ontiveros, Jesse - M. Track and Field
Ewens, Nolan - Baseball
Eyman, Jacob - M. Basketball
Fonseca, Alec - Football
Fraser, James - Baseball
Frew, Saylor - W. Volleyball, W. Beach Volleyball
Garcia Maxwell - M. Soccer
Garza Veronica - Softball
Gause, Ethan - M. Water Polo
Glover, Christon - Football
*Go, Brandon - M. Tennis
*Gonzalez, Deanna - Softball
*Gonzalez, Joseph - Football
*Gonzalez, Natalie - Softball
Goodbeau, Jacqueline - W. Cross Country, W. Track and Field
Grande, Brian - M. Cross Country, M. Track and Field
Griffin, Teirron - Football
*Guerrero Garzon, Hillary - W. Swim
Hearn, Blake - Baseball
*Hernandez, Annelise - W. Water Polo, W. Swim
*Hernandez, Clarissa - Softball
*Hernandez, Daniela - W. Cross Country
Herrin, Jonathan - Football
Hogan, Tyler - Football
Houston, Darrel - M. Basketball
*Howlin, Devin - M. Basketball
Ippolito, Kayla - W. Soccer
Kim, James - M. Track and Field
Labib, Monica - W. Tennis
*Licea, Raquel - W. Basketball, Softball, W. Swim
*Lilavois, Khloe - Softball
*Limon, Steven - Baseball
Longstreet, Samaria - W. Volleyball, W. Beach Volleyball
Lopez, Darrian - Baseball
Lopez, Grace - W. Volleyball
*Lopez, Jessica - Softball
*Lozano, Edson - M. Soccer
Luft, Lucas - Football
Manunrung, Lili Yann - W. Golf
*Mataia, Kimberly - W. Track and Field
*Mcguire, Caitlin - W. Swim
*Mcteggart, William - M. Track and Field
*Moreno, Lillian - W. Tennis
Morrow, Josiah - Football
Moss, Glenn - Baseball
*Munoz, Michelle - W. Water Polo
*Muro, Emily - Softball
Navarrete, Austin - M. Water Polo
*Nelson, Talon - M. Water Polo
*Nelson, Tyffenye - W. Lacrosse
Nguyen, Anton - M. Volleyball
Noble, Michael - Football
Nolan, Bryan - M. Water Polo
Ochoa, Audrey - W. Soccer
*Parente, Jonathan - Baseball
*Pendley, Taylor - Baseball
Perez, Daniela - W. Soccer
Perez, Miranda - W. Soccer
*Polo, Marco - M. Soccer
Quirarte, Jessica - W. Basketball
Raichel , Alexis - W. Water Polo
Ramos, Shyleen - W. Basketball, W. Cross Country, W. Track and Field
*Rangel Lara, Edwin - M. Soccer
Rengifo, Sarah - Softball
Reyes, Jaylene - Spirit Squad
Rison, Hunter - Football
Rojas Plata, Jorge - Football
*Rosas, Amanda - Spirit Squad
Salas, Katie - W. Basketball
Sanchez, Daniel - Football
Sanchez Molina, Regina - W. Soccer
Sanford, Dustin - Football
*Serna Garcia, Catherine - W. Volleyball, W. Beach Volleyball
Serrano, Moriah - W. Basketball
Smith, Omajae - M. Basketball
Smith, Sirrah - Football
Sowder, Zachary - Softball
*Stangl, Katherine - W. Soccer
Stevens, Joshua - M. Track and Field
Tabbasam, Umbrine - W. Basketball
Thomas, Koi - Football
Torres, Rene - Football
Tuttle, Jordan - W. Basketball
Unland, Wendy - W. Water Polo, W. Swim
*Van, Uyen - W. Tennis
Velasquez, Ronald - Football
Walker, Christopher - M. Swim
West, Shenise - W. Basketball
*Williams, Hunter - Softball
Worrall, Matthew - M. Cross Country, M. Track and Field